Da Isaac a Elon: il nostro futuro è fra le stelle?

Un intervento a Mondofuturo 2024, serie di eventi che accompagnano il Trieste Science + Fiction Festival. Una versione della mia presentazione è stata pubblicata da TuttoScienze del 30 ottobre 2024 su LaStampa. Il leggendario Ciclo della Fondazione di Isaac Asimov dipinge un lontano futuro in cui l’umanità ha conquistato la Galassia. A questo e ad […]
What We Lose When We Can’t Stargaze
In my first op-ed for TIME, I argue that losing our connection with the night sky means becoming cut off from our ancestors’ view of the universe. We are missing out on the opportunities of being inspired and awed by the cosmos that surrounds us, which is more and more urgent given the catastrophic impact […]
STARBORN at Ratio Forum

It was such a delight to present the topics of my book at RATIO, one of the largest science-themed events in Bulgaria in Nov 2023. The public were fantastic, the organizers incredibly warm and welcoming, and it was great fun to meet and hang out with the other invited speakers, Robin Ince and Louise Allcock! […]
STARBORN launch events in November! 

I am thrilled to announce the first launch events for my new book, STARBORN – How the Stars Made Us (and Who We Would Be Without Them). It’s a mix of talks and conversations with amazing scholars, followed by book signing – I look forward to meeting my first readers then! Please do join me […]
An Impossible Dialogue

I am delighted to be involved as scientific consultant in a new play by and with actress and author Diana Höbel. Diana approached me with the idea of creating an “impossible dialogue” between Alma Mahler, a fascinating character and talented musician, and her husband, Gustav Mahler, with whom she had a stormy and ill-fated relationship. […]
STARBORN: my new book available to pre-order!

I’m excited to share that my new book will be published by Basic Books in the Fall 2023! For as long as humans have lived, we have lived beneath the stars. But under the glow of today’s artificial lighting, we have lost the intimacy our ancestors once shared with the cosmos. STARBORN: How the Stars […]
LIBRA – a play on satellite mega-constellations

At the end of September 2022, I’ve had the pleasure to visit Reggio Calabria, at the far South-Western tip of Italy, where the theatre play I co-wrote opened the Cosmos Festival 2022. LIBRA – The Play It is 2042, and a global corporation has taken over the market of satellite-based internet ads. The sky is […]
The Love Makers

How artificial intelligence and robotics are transforming the future of love and desire: a philosophical thriller and essays. I’m thrilled that this wonderful book by Aifric Campbell, including fiction and non-fiction writing, has been published by MIT press. A chance encounter between two women and a road trip into the future: It’s Christmas Eve, and […]
Picturing the Invisible
Exploring interdisciplinary synergies from the arts and the sciences. I’m delighted to have been able to contribute to this cross-disciplinary group, and the ensuing book that’s now been published by UCL Press (Open access download here). Picturing the Invisible presents different disciplinary approaches to articulating the invisible, that which is not known or that which […]
The Edge of the Sky | Oir Nan Speur
The Edge of the Sky | Oir Nan Speur is a beautiful new ‘analogue theatre show’ in which two astronomers try to unravel a story from the past following a cataclysmic event. It will premiere on February 18th, 2022 at the Hebridean Dark Skies festival, on the Isle of Lewis. Performed in English and Gaelic, it is a uniquely […]