‘Life, the universe, and everything’ got thousands of likes in our app in 2018, and the Deep Tech stage as a whole was hugely successful and enjoyed an incredible level of interest.
Darren Cleary, Web Summit Producer
Online videos and podcasts
For interviews and videos about my book, “The Edge of the Sky”, see here.
- BBC World Service: CrowdScience, Why Does Dark Matter, Matter? Feb 8th 2018 podcast
- Countercurrent: in conversation with Professor Roger Kneebone, Aug 21st 2017
- Scientists not the Science: Death of the one-sided scientist, with Stuart Higgins, July 16th 2017
- Out of this world cuisine, PhysicsWorld podcast on g-ASTRONOMY, June 28th 2016
- When did time begin? The naked scientists podcast, June 26th 2015
- The Multiverse in a Nutshell. The Guardian Astronomy Science Weekly podcast, Dec 1st 2014
- TedXHackney “Radical Beauty”: Our Place in the Multiverse, April 2014.
- Pod Academy podcast: The sounds of space: hearing the end of the universe, June 2012.
- What is the anthropic principle? In a 100 seconds video.
- How do we know that the Universe is flat? In a 100 seconds video.
- Shaping space. Lecture at the AA School of Architecture, London, Nov 2009.
- The Edge of the Sky, Basic Books (2014). HC Beck (German translation, Sept 2015). Kyobo Book Centre (Korean translation, 2015)
(see here for interviews about “The Edge of the Sky”)
- Interview with the Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC) “Fascination” magazine, Summer 2015
- “All there was”, ICA show part of fig.2, May 2015
- Bayesian Astrophysics, Institute of Astrophysics of the Canary Islands, Nov 2014
- The Reading Survey response, Edinburgh Science Festival, Apr 2015
- Interview with Il Caffe’, Apr 2014.
- Only one Universe to observe, SCOPE, May 2013.
- Dark Matter: Probing the Arche-Fossil. COLLAPSE Vol II, March 2007.
Radio and TV appearances

On Swiss National TV, remembering the great physicist Stephen Hawking on the day of his death.
- Millevoci, “Nobel della fisica agli svizzeri Mayor e Queloz e all’americano Peebles” (in Italian), Swiss National Radio, Rete 1, Oct 17th 2019.
- Telegiornale Edizione delle 20 (in Italian), RSI Swiss National TV, Oct 8th 2019
- Millevoci, “Viaggio nell’universo in cerca di misteri… oscuri” (in Italian), Swiss National Radio, Rete 1, Sept 16th 2019.
- Millevoci, “La prima foto di un buco nero” (in Italian), Swiss National Radio, Rete 1, April 18th 2019.
- Millevoci, “Stephen Hawking” (in Italian), Swiss National Radio, Rete 1, March 20th 2018
- Telegiornale Edizione delle 20 (in Italian), RSI Swiss National TV, March 14th 2018
- Millevoci, “Hubble e le prime stelle” (in Italian), Swiss National Radio, Rete 1, March 7th 2018
- Millevoci, “Da dove nasce il tempo” (in Italian), Swiss National Radio, Rete 1, Jan 22nd 2018
- Millevoci, “Onde Gravitazionali” (in Italian), Swiss National Radio, Rete 1, Nov 9th 2017
- Telegiornale Edizione delle 20 (in Italian), RSI Swiss National TV, Oct 16th 2017
- Science Mixtape, Soho Radio, June 3rd 2017
- Chiacchiere Cosmologiche (in Italian), Swiss National Radio, Rete 3, April 25th 2017
- Millevoci, Prendiamoci un po’ di tempo… (in Italian), Swiss National Radio, Rete 1, March 27th 2017
- Millevoci, “Cento Anni di Relativà”, Swiss National Radio, Rete 1, Jan 28th 2016
- “Einstein’s Extraordinary Universe”, ABCcatalyst (Australia), Nov 10th 2015
- The Sky At Night, “What have UFO’s done for us?” BBC 4, Feb 2015
- Albachiara, “expats”, Radio Svizzera Rete 1, Dec 2014.
- Future Generation Thinkers, BBC Radio 3, Nov 7th 2008.
- Millevoci, Swiss National Radio, Rete 1, Aug 5th 2009.
- Il Giardino di Albert Swiss National TV RSI, in Nov 2009.
- Baobab, Swiss National Radio Rete 3, Sept 14th 2010.

Discussing “The Edge of the Sky’ on Soho Radio Science Mixtape show – Desert island discs for scientists!
Articles for the general public
- The Hands-On Universe: Making Sense of the Universe with All Your Senses, Communicating Astronomy with the Public, 23, 20-25 (2018)
- The Physics of Star Trek, Star Trek: The Ultimate Voyage programme brochure, Nov 1st 2015
- In so many words: Minute world with big stories to tell, NewScientist online, July 30th 2015
- In so many words: Don’t kill small-life before Red World trip, NewScientist, July 2015
- Hoped-for dark matter flash might instead be the corpses of stars, NewScientist, July 1st 2015
- In So Many Words: How to ride the space-winds to the stars, NewScientist, June 2015
- The science of Interstellar: Astrophysics, but not as we know it, The Guardian, Nov 5th 2014
- Cosmic Dialogue, People and Science, March 2012.
- Cosmologists scoop Nobel Prize for Physics 2006, LeScienze, Nov 2006.
- Giant telescopes of the future: the Square Kilometer Array, LeScienze, July 2006.
- Latest news from the baby Universe. LeScienze, June 2006.
- Interview with James Lovelock, LeScienze, April 2006.
- Listening to cosmic sound, LeScienze, January 2006.
- Looking at the Universe through neutrinos, LeScienze, December 2005
- The trouble with strings. Interview with Lee Smolin, Newton, November 2007 (cover story).
- Before the Big Bang, Newton, September 2007 (cover story).
- Mapping out the invisible Universe, Newton, April 2007 (cover story).
- The anthropic principle: Interview with John Barrow, Newton, October 2006 (cover story).
- Modified gravity, Newton, April 2006.
- Killer asteroids, Newton, January 2006.
- The Universe’s mysterious past, Newton, October 2005.
- Einstein’s legacy, Newton, June 2005.
Book reviews
- Practical Statistics for Astronomers, 2nd Ed (Wall and Jenkins, CUP, 2012), AIAA Journal, 52, 9, (2014), 2098.
- Modern Statistical Methods for Astronomy (Feigelson and Babu, CUP 2012), Mathematical Reviews, MR2963292,
- Statistical challenges in modern astronomy IV (ASP Conference Series, Vol 371), The observatory , May 2008.
- The Oxford book of modern science writing (Richard Dawkins, Ed), OUP Review appeared in Oxford Today, 21, 1 (2008), 53.
Book endorsements
“With this delightfully surprising book, Eugenia Cheng reveals the hidden beauty of mathematics with passion and simplicity. After reading How To Bake Pi, you won’t look at maths (nor porridge!) in the same way ever again.”
- “Ethan Siegel has achieved the rare feat of writing a textbook that reads like an engrossing page-turner. This is a book that belongs on the reading list of every undergraduate introduction to astrophysics and cosmology.“
“Nordgren effortlessly packs a great deal of science in this delightful book. . . . He conveys his infectious obsession for this most awe-inspiring of natural phenomena. If you haven’t experienced a total solar eclipse, reading this book will make sure you’ll want to.”
- “This informative book is a valuable resource for astronomers, astrophysicists and cosmologists at all levels of their career. From students starting out in the field to researchers at the frontiers of data analysis, everyone will find insightful techniques accompanied by helpful examples of code. With this book, Hilbe, de Souza and Ishida are firming taking astrostatistics into the 21st century.”