Today on the arXiv: Light echo gives insight into SNIa dust environment
I noticed this interesting paper using high resolution, multi-epoch images from Hubble to study the time evolution of the aftermath of the explosion of SNIa SN204J, which went off in 2014 in the nearby galaxy M82 (a mere 11 million light years away).
The data show the presence of a radially expanding light echo, as well as of luminous quarter-circle arc. Detailed modelling of the observations concludes that there are two different dust environments through which the light from the SNIa has been propagating: the first is a ring of circumstellar material with smaller grain size than Milky Way dust (associated with the luminous arc), with a reddening law that is rather shallow (R_V ~ 1.4). The second, a slab of interstellar material with a reddening law similar to the canonical value for the Milky Way, R_V ~ 3.
This chimes with previous detailed studies of the variability in hosts’ reddening law in a sample of CSP and other low-z SNIa, that found that the value of R_V (with appropriate priors) can vary from 3.1 to 2.0, depending on the amount of reddening (with the less reddened object showing the larger R_V).

Intensity map of the light echoes seen by HST for SN2014J – from Yang et al (2016)