Today on the arXiv: from light bulbs to 2 trillion dark matter particles simulations in 75 years
Today, Martin White suggests using a density-dependent correlation function as a tool to help distinguish General Relativity from modified gravity theories.
The N-body simulation Zurich group shows impressive results from a cosmological simulation involving 2 trillion (2 x 10^12) particles, which they run on the Swiss Supercomputer in Manno using GPU-accelerated nodes, and benchmarked with the Oak Ridge National Lab Titan supercomputer. Like they point out in their historical survey, the field has grown incredibly from using light bulbs to simulate galaxies (Holberg 1941)!
Wiegand and Eisenstein report a 100 sigma (!) detection of higher order correlations in the galaxy clustering of the SDSS DR12, using Minkowski Functionals on 400k+ galaxies from BOSS.

Light bulbs used by Holmberg in 1941 to simulate the interaction among galaxies.

Simulated dark matter distribution from 2 trillion particles N-body simulation (Douglas Potter et al, 2016)