Public talk at IUCAA Pune (India) in Feb 2017, part of the Science and Beyond lecture series sponsored by the British Council
Past events
For events related to my book, “The Edge of the Sky”, see this page.
- Weighing the Universe, Gresham College, London, Nov 2019
- The Future of Space: from AI to the Multiverse, WebSummit, DeepTech keynote, Lisbon, Nov 2019
- Liceo Cantonale di Locarno, Talk for the general public, Switzerland (2019)
- Liceo Cantonale di Locarno, Talk to high school students, Switzerland (2019)
- Herstmonceaux Science Festival (2019)
- Spotlight talk, Great Exhibition Road Festival, London (2019)
- Multi-Sensorial Dark Matter Experience, Great Exhibition Road Festival, London (2019)
- Poplar Primary School Space Day (main organizer, school-wide), Merton Park, London (2019)
- Multi-sensorial Dark Matter Experience, Science Museum Lates, London (2019)
- New Scientist Live, London (2018)
- Dining with Copernicus, immersive dining experience, Ognisko Restaurant/Polish Cultural Institute, London (2018)
- STEM workshop for high ability students with high-functioning autism and Asperger’s, Imperial College London (2018)
- Public Engagement Day Pecha Kucha, Imperial College London (2018)
- The Science of Star Trek, Royal Albert Hall (2018)
- Stephen Hawking’s Universe explained in 1,000 simple words, El Debats del Magnanim, Valencia (2018)
- Craters on the Moon, Early Years Education Centre, Imperial College London (2018)
- The Alternative Guide to STEM, Queen’s Park Community School, London, winner of audience vote (2018)
- The Map of the Universe, Data Science Institute, Imperial Festival (2018)
- The Science of Star Trek, Imperial Festival (2018)
- EdFoo Camp, Google HQ, Mountain View (2017)
- Il Tempo nell’Universo, Università della Svizzera Italiana, Lugano, Switzerland, March 2017
- g-ASTRONOMY for people with visual impairment, London, March 2017
- Is the All-There-Is all there is? JV Parekh International School, Mumbai, India, Feb 2017 (part of Science and Beyond lecture series)
- The Power of Simplicity: What I learnt by Explaining Cosmology in 1000 Simple Words, Science City Auditorium, Ahmedabad, India, Feb 2017 (part of Science and Beyond lecture series)
- Why Society need Astronomy and Cosmology, IUCAA, Pune, India, Feb 2017 (part of Science and Beyond lecture series)
- Junking Jargon and the Power of Simplicity, Birla Planetarium, Chennai, India, Feb 2017 (part of Science and Beyond lecture series)
- The Power of Simplicity, Second Home super/collider, London, Jan 2017
- g-ASTRONOMY, Cheltenham Science Festival, June 2016
- Panel: To Infinity and Beyond, Imperial Festival, Imperial College London, May 2016
- g-ASTRONOMY, Imperial Festival, Imperial College London, May 2016
- To the Moon! Early Years Education Centre, Imperial College London, April 2016
- The Dark Side of the Universe, Jersey School for Girls, Jersey, April 2016
- The Solar System with Fruits and Vegs, St Mary’s Primary School, Jersey, April 2016
- The Physics of Star Trek, Jersey Astronomy Club, Jersey, April 2016
- Why Society Needs Astronomy and Cosmology, Guest Gresham College Lecture, March 2016
- A Matter of Gravity, Royal Astronomical Society public lecture, March 2016
- Big Bang! Daresbury Laboratory, Feb 2016
- The luminous echo of the Big Bang and the fundamental nature of the Universe, Guadalajara International Book Fair, Mexico, Dec 2015
- Panel: From Newton’s Apple to the divine particle: Science in the UK, Guadalajara International Book Fair, Mexico, Dec 2015
- Panel: The Language of Science, Guadalajara International Book Fair, Mexico, Dec 2015
- Exploring the Universe, Guadalajara International Book Fair, Mexico, Dec 2015
- Panel: What scientists can gain from literature, Guadalajara International Book Fair, Mexico, Dec 2015
- International Astronomy Colloquium Round table: Light from the Universe, Guadalajara International Book Fair, Mexico, Dec 2015
- Dark Mysteries of the Universe, Creative Quarter, London, Nov 2015
- The Physics of Star Trek, Royal Albert Hall, London, Nov 2015
- The Astrophysical Evidence for Dark Matter, The Blackett Colloquium, Imperial College London, Oct 2015
- The Power of Simplicity, Imperial Horizons guest lecture, Imperial College London, Oct 2015
- How big is space? Across RCA workshop, Data Science Institute, Imperial College London, Oct 2015
- The Great Cosmic Cookery Show, The Times Cheltenham Science Festival, June 2015
- Does Darkness Matter? Performance for the opening of “All There Was”, Institute for Contemporary Art studio, London, May 2015
- The Oldest Light in the Universe, Edinburgh International Science Festival, April 2015
- The Oldest Light in the Universe, Imperial College London, March 26th 2015
- Is the All-There-Is all there is? Science for Fiction 2014, Aug 12th 2014; Salisbury, Aug 19th 2014; The Observatory, Hertsmonceaux, Sept 6th 2014
- Cosmic Fun Club, Glasgow Science Centre, May 25th 2014
- The Great Cosmic Cookery Show, Imperial Festival, May 9th 2014.
- The Hands-On Universe cosmic cookery show, PurpleKitchen, March 8th 2014.
- TEDxHackney “Radical Beauty”, Apr 5th, 2014
- The Dark Side of the Universe. MENSA Society, Birmingham, Apr 2013
- Our cosmic environment. SPACE at the White Building, London, Feb 2013
- Hunting down dark matter and dark energy with astrophysics. AstroSoc, Imperial College London, Oct 2012
- La fine dell’Universo. Universita’ della Svizzera Italiana, Lugano, Switzerland, Jan 2012.
- ‘One day, Sir, you may tax it’: why society needs cosmology. Friends of the RAS, Sept 2011.
- The dark side of the Universe. Crayford Manor astronomical society, March 2011.
- The cosmic enigma. Westminster School, London, Sept 2010.
- The anthropic principle and the origin of the Universe. Marlborough College, Dec 2009.
- The dark side of the Universe. HGS Astronomical Society, Sept 30th 2009.
- Dark matter astronomy. Newbury Astronomical Society, Oct 2nd 2009.
- Il cosmo che non avete mai visto: a caccia della materia e dell’energia oscure dell’Universo. Centro Stefano Franscini, Ascona, Switzerland), Wed Jul 29th 2009.
- Looking for the invisible – The birth and rise of dark matter astronomy. INTECH Planetarium, Winchester, Sept 16th 2009.
- Uncovering the nature of the dark matter and dark energy in the Universe. Association for Astronomy Education’s Annual General Meeting, London, June 28th 2008.
- Does the Universe Need Mankind? Daresbury Laboratory, Warrington, Fri May 15 2009.
- The dark side of the Universe. Tudor Hall School, Banbury, Nov 2008.
- Voyage to the edge of the Universe… and beyond. Winchester Planetarium Sept 2008.
- Does the Universe need humankind? CornerClub, Oxford, April 2008.
- The dark sector of the Universe – Clever ways of observing invisible stuff. Green College, Oxford, March 2008.
- The invisible Universe – Hunting down the mysterious dark matter. National Particle Physics Masterclass 2008 at Oxford University. March 2008.
- The dark sector of the Universe – Clever ways of observing invisible stuff. Oxford University Space and Astronomy Society, Oxford Oct 2007.
- The dark side of the Universe – Uncovering the nature of the dark matter and dark energy in the cosmos. Oxford University Astrophysics Department, March 2008.
- The dark side of the Universe. Bedford school, Feb 2007.
- Light and Dark. Gonville Primary School, Nov 2006.
- A stroll through spacetime. Mansfield College, Oxford, March 2006.
- The solar system with fruits and vegs. Sonning Common primary school, March 2006.
- A Walking Tour of the Universe. Bedford school, Sept 2005.
- The fundamental forces of Nature. CERN, Switzerland, 2005.
- The solar system for kids. Astronomy club of Divonne, France, 2005.
- CERN 50th anniversary. CERN, Switzerland, 2004.
- Astronomy on board. RAS Lecturer onboard the Queen Mary 2, Caribbean Adventure voyage, Nov 21st 2008.
- The visible and invisible Universe. Kassel High School, Germany, May 2009.
- Cosmology meets the challenge. Royal Astronomical Society, Feb 12th 2007.
- Does the Universe need humankind? The strange case of intelligent observers in the cosmos. The BA Award Lectures: Lord Kelvin Lecture 2007
- Life and the Multiverse. Marlborough College Summer School, Aug 2007.
Courses for the public
- Astrostatistics: The science of making sense of the cosmos, 36th Annual Astronomy Weekend, Oxford, Apr 12th 2014
- The Evolving Universe. A day course at Oxford University Continuing Education Department, Saturday 14th November 2009 (with Bob Lambourne).
- Particles and the Universe, Oxford University Continuing Education Department (with Matthew Malek), Oct 2nd 2010.
- The Big Bang – the Facts, the Science, and some Fiction. Oxford University Summer School for Adults, 11 – 18 July 2009.
- The Dark Side of Astronomy. Oxford University Continuing Education Department, The 30th Annual Astronomy Weekend, Fri 4 to Sun 6 Apr 2008.
- The Big Bang and Beyond. An introduction to observational cosmology. A series of 10 lectures, Oct-Dec 2006, repeated Oct-Dec 2008. Oxford University Continuing Education Department.
- The Big Bang and Beyond – Summer School. 2009 Oxford University Summer School.
- Observational Cosmology. A day course at Oxford University Continuing Education Department, Saturday 10th November 2008 (with Bob Lambourne).
- Universe or Multiverse? A day course at Oxford University Continuing Education Department, Saturday 6th October 2007 (with Bernard Carr).
- Being Human Festival, London, 2016
- Cheltenham Science Festival 2016, Cheltenham
- Imperial Festival 2016, London
- Zurich Dakley Book Festival 2015, Dakley, Irland
- Cheltenham Science Festival 2015, Cheltenham
- Imperial Festival 2015, London
- Edinburgh International Science Festival 2015, Edinburgh
- Manchester Science Festival 2014, Manchester
- World Science Fiction Convention 2014, London
- Imperial Festival 2014, London
- Festival de Fleurance 2009: La science de l’incertitude and Est-ce que l’Univers a besoin de nous?
- AstroFest 2009: The anthropic principle and the origin of the Universe.
- Meet the Scientist! Museum of Science and Industry, Manchester, June 21st 2008. The Dark side of the Universe
- EuroScience Open Forum 2008: Crisis in cosmology? With Licia Verde and Raul Jimenez.
- Royal Society Summer Science Exhibit 2006: Heavens’ kitchen: from primordial soup to cosmic pancakes