I am the author of over 90 scientific publications, a number of conference proceedings and contributed to three books. My h-index is 51 and my work has over 12,000 citations. I have given over 100 talks, invited reviews, seminars and colloquia.

My work on:
Scholar | arXiv | inSPIRE | Web of Science | Scopus | IRIS


  • Identification of high-energy astrophysical point sources via hierarchical Bayesian nonparametric clustering
    Sottosanti et al (2021), submitted to Annals of Applied Statistics, arXiv: 2104.11492
  • STAR NRE: Solving supernova selection effects with set-based truncated auto-regressive neural ratio estimation (2024)
    K. Karchev & R. Trotta, submitted to JCAP, arXiv: 2409.03837
  • StratLearn-z: Improved photo-z estimation from spectroscopic data subject to selection effects
    C. Moretti, M. Autenrieth, R. Serra, R. Trotta, D.A. van Dyk & A. Mesinger (2024), submitted to The Open Journal, arXiv: 2409.20379
  • Model-independent searches of new physics in DARWIN with a semi-supervised deep learning pipeline
    A. Scaffidi, R. Trotta & The Darwin Collaboration (2024), submitted to EPJC, arxiv: 2410.00755
  • The EDGES measurement disfavors an excess radio background during the cosmic dawn
    J. Cang, A. Mesinger, Steven G. Murray, D. Breitman, Y. Qin & R. Trotta, arxiv: 2411.08134

Published papers in peer reviewed venues

93) Are Large Language Models Chameleons?
M. Geng, S. He and R. Trotta (2024)
accepted at ICML 2024 Workshop on LLMs and Cognition, arxiv: 2405.19323

92) Is ChatGPT Transforming Academics’ Writing Style?
M. Geng and R. Trotta (2024),
accepted at ICML 2024 Workshop NextGenAISafety, arxiv: 2404.08627

91) Dark Matter Halo Parameters from Overheated Exoplanets via Bayesian Hierarchical Inference
M. Benito, K. Karchev, R.K. Leane, S. Poder, J. Smirnov & R. Trotta (2024),
JCAP 07(2024)038, arxiv: 2405.09578

90) SIDE-real: Truncated marginal neural ratio estimation for Supernova Ia Dust Extinction with real data
K . Karchev, M. Grayling, B. Boyd, R. Trotta, K. Mandel & C. Weniger (2024)
MNRAS, 530, 4, 3881–3896 (2024), arxiv:2403.07871, arXiv: 2403.07871

89) Cosmogenic background simulations for the DARWIN observatory at different underground locations
M.Adrover et al (DARWIN Collaboration)(2024), Eur. Phys. J. C 84, 88 (2024), arxiv: 2306.16340.

88) floZ: Evidence estimation from posterior samples with normalizing flows
R. Srinivasan, M. Crisostomi, R. Trotta, E. Barausse & M. Breschi (2024), PRD in print, arxiv:2404.12294

87) Parameter estimation from Lyα forest in Fourier space using Information Maximising Neural Network
S. Maitra, S. Cristiani, M. Viel, R. Trotta & G. Cupani (2024), A&A in print, arxiv:2404.04327

86) Improved Weak Lensing Photometric Redshift Calibration via StratLearn and Hierarchical Modeling
M. Autenrieth, A. H. Wright, R. Trotta, D.A. van Dyk, D.C. Stenning & B. Joachimi (2024)
MNRAS in print, arXiv: 2401.04687

85) SimSIMS: Simulation-based Supernova Ia Model Selection with thousands of latent variables
K . Karchev, R. Trotta & C. Weniger (2023)
NeurIPS 2023 workshop Machine Learning and the Physical Science, arXiv: 2311.15650

84) 21cmEMU: an emulator of 21cmFAST summary observables
D. Breitman, A. Mesinger, S. Murray, D. Prelogovic, Y. Qin & R. Trotta (2024)
MRNAS, 527, 4, 9833-9852, arXiv: 2309.05697

83) Stratified Learning: a general-purpose statistical method for improved learning under Covariate Shift
M. Autenrieth, D. van Dyk, R. Trotta & D. Stenning (2024)
Anal. Data Min.: ASA Data Sci. J.,  1-16, arXiv: 2106.11211

82) Neural Posterior Estimation with guaranteed exact coverage: the ringdown of GW150914
M. Crisostomi, K. Dey, E. Barausse & R. Trotta (2023)
PRD, 108, 044029 (2023), arXiv: 2305.18528

81) Extreme data compression for Bayesian model comparison
A. Heavens, A. Mootoovaloo, R. Trotta & E. Sellentin (2023)
JCAP 11(2023),048, arXiv: 2306.15998

80) SICRET: Supernova Ia Cosmology with truncated marginal neural Ratio EsTimation’
K. Karchev, R. Trotta & C. Weniger (2023)
Mon. Notices Royal Astron. Soc. 520 (2023) 1056-1072, arXiv:2209.06733

79) A next-generation liquid xenon observatory for dark matter and neutrino physics
J. Aalbers et al (DARWIN Collaboration, 2023)
J. Phys. G: Nucl. Part. Phys. 50 (2023) 013001,
e-print archive: 2203.02309

78) GPU-based optical simulation of the DARWIN detector
J. Aalbers et al (DARWIN Collaboration, 2022)
Journal of Instrumentation, 17, 07 P07018 (2022), e-print archive: 2203.14354

77) Simple and statistically sound strategies for analysing physical theories
S.S. AbdusSalam et al (2022)
Rept. Prog. Phys. 85 (2022) 052201, e-print archive: 2012.09874

76) New Constraints on Anisotropic Expansion from Supernovae Type Ia
W. Rahman, R. Trotta, S. S. Boruah, M. J. Hudson, D. A. van Dyk (2022)
Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 514, 1 (2022), 139–163, e-print archive: 2108.12497

75) Solar Neutrino Detection Sensitivity in DARWIN via Electron Scattering
J. Aalbers et al (DARWIN Collaboration, 2020)
Eur. Phys. J. C (2020) 80: 1133, e-print archive: 2006.03114

74) Structure Formation Models Weaken Limits on WIMP Dark Matter from Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxies
S. Ando, A. Geringer-Sameth, N. Hiroshima, S. Hoof, R. Trotta and M.G. Walker (2020)
Phys. Rev. D 102, 061302(R), e-print archive: 2002.11956

73) Sensitivity of the DARWIN observatory to the neutrinoless double beta decay of 136Xe
F. Agostini et al (DARWIN Collaboration, 2020), Eur. Phys. J. C 80, 808 (2020), e-print archive: 2003.13407

72) A robust estimate of the Milky Way mass from rotation curve data
E. V. Karukes, M. Benito, F. Iocco, R. Trotta & A. Geringer-Sameth (2020)
JCAP 05, 033 (2020), e-print archive: 1912.04296

71) A Global Analysis of Dark Matter Signals from 27 Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxies using 11 Years of Fermi-LAT Observations
S. Hoof, A. Geringer-Sameth & R. Trotta, JCAP 2, 012 (2020), e-print archive: 1812.06986

70) Bayesian reconstruction of the Milky Way dark matter distribution
E.V. Karukes, M. Benito, F. Iocco, R. Trotta & A. Geringer-Sameth, JCAP 09, 046 (2019), e-print archive: 1901.02463

69) Cosmology and Fundamental Physics with the Euclid Satellite
L. Amendola et al, Living Rev. Rel. 21, (2018), 1, archive: 1606.00180

68) Projected distances to host galaxy reduce SNIa dispersion,
R. Hill, H. Shariff, R. Trotta et al, MNRAS,481, 2 (2018),  e-print archive: 1612.04417

67) Substructure considerations rule out dark matter interpretation of the Galactic Center excess,
H. Clark, P. Scott, R. Trotta and G.F. Lewis, JCAP07(2018)060, e-print archive: 1612.01539

66) STACCATO: A Novel Solution to Supernova Photometric Classification with Biased Training Sets,
E.A. Resvbech, R. Trotta & D.A. van Dyk, MNRAS 473, 3, 3969-3986 (2018), e-print archive: 1706.03811, doi, code available here

65)  Retrieval Analysis of the Emission Spectrum of WASP-12b: Sensitivity of Outcomes to Prior Assumptions and Implications for Formation History
M. Oreshenko, R. Trotta et al, ApJL847, 1, L3 (2017), e-print archive: 1709.00338

64) Dark matter interpretation of ATLAS searches for the electroweak production of supersymmetric particles in sqrt(s) = 8 TeV proton-proton collisions
The ATLAS Collaboration, G. Bertone, R. Ruiz de Austri and R. Trotta (2016), JHEP09(2016)175, e-print archive: 1608.00872, doi

63) DARWIN: Towards the ultimate Dark Matter detector
J. Aalbers, R. Trotta et al (2016), JCAP11(2016)017, e-print archive: 1606.07001doi

62) Standardizing Type Ia supernovae optical brightness using Near Infrared rebrightening time
H. Shariff, S. Dhawan, X. Jiao, B. Leibundgut, R. Trotta and D.A. van Dyk  (2016), MNRAS 463, 4, 4311-4316 (2016), e-print archive: 1605.08064doi

61) Effective Field Theory of Dark Matter: a Global Analysis
S. Liem, G. Bertone, F. Calore, R. Ruiz de Austri, T. M.P. Tait, R. Trotta, C. Weniger (2016)
JHEP09(2016)077, e-print archive: 1603.05994

60) Bayesian analysis of cosmic-ray propagation: evidence against homogeneous diffusion
G. Jóhannesson, R. Ruiz de Austri, A. C. Vincent, I. V. Moskalenko, E. Orlando, T. A. Porter, A. W. Strong, R. Trotta, F. Feroz, P. Graff, M. P. Hobson, ApJ, 824, 16 (2016), e-print archive: 1602.02243

59) BAHAMAS: new SNIa analysis reveals inconsistencies with standard cosmology
H. Shariff, X. Jiao, R. Trotta and D. A. van Dyk (2016), ApJ 827, 1 (2016),  e-print archive: 1510.05954doi

58) Global analysis of the pMSSM in light of the Fermi GeV excess: prospects for the LHC Run-II and astroparticle experiments
G. Bertone, F. Calore, S. Caron, R. Ruiz de Austri, J. Soo Kim, R. Trotta (2016), JCAP 04(2016)037, e-print archive: 1507.07008

57) Compatibility of BICEP2 and Planck in light of inflation
J. Martin, C. Ringeval, R. Trotta, V. Vennin (2014), Phys.Rev.D90:063501,2014, e-print archive: 1405.7272

56) Profile likelihood maps of a 15-dimensional MSSM
C. Strege, G. Bertone, G. J. Besjes, S. Caron, R. Ruiz de Austri, A. Strubig, R. Trotta (2014), JHEP 09(2014)081, e-print archive: 1405.0622

55) The best inflationary models after Planck
J. Martin, C. Ringeval, R. Trotta, V. Vennin (2014), JCAP 1403 (2014) 039, e-print archive: 1312.3529

54) Cosmology and fundamental physics with the Euclid satellite
L. Amendola et al (Euclid Theory Working Group) (2013), Living Rev. Relativity 16, (2013), 6, e-print archive: 1206.1225

53) Global Fits of the cMSSM and NUHM including the LHC Higgs discovery and new XENON100 constraints
C. Strege, G. Bertone, F. Feroz, M. Fornasa, R. Ruiz de Austri, R. Trotta (2013), JCAP04(2013)013, e-print archive: 1212.2636

52) Taming astrophysical bias in direct dark matter searches
M. Pato, L.E. Strigari, R. Trotta and G. Bertone (2013), JCAP02(2013)041, e-print archive: 1211.7063doi

51) Fundamental statistical limitations of future dark matter direct detection experiments
C. Strege, R. Trotta, G. Bertone, Annika H.G. Peter, Pat Scott (2012), Phys. Rev. D 86:023507 (2012), e-print archive: 1201.3631

50) Updated global fits of the cMSSM including the latest LHC SUSY and Higgs searches and XENON100 data
C. Strege, G. Bertone, D.G. Cerdeno, M. Fornasa, R. Ruiz de Austri, and R. Trotta (2012), JCAP03(2012)030, e-print archive: 1112.4192doi

49) Complementarity of Indirect and Accelerator Dark Matter Searches
G. Bertone, D. G. Cerdeno, M. Fornasa, L. Pieri, R. Ruiz de Austri and R. Trotta (2012), Phys Rev D 85.055014 (2012), e-print archive: 1111.2607

48) Evidence for dark matter modulation in CoGeNT?
C. Arina, J. Hamman, R Trotta and Y.Y. Wong (2012), JCAP03(2012)008, e-print archive: 1111.3238doi

47) Global fits of the cMSSM including the first LHC and XENON100 data
G. Bertone, D.G. Cerdeno, M. Fornasa, R. Ruiz de Austri, C. Strege and R. Trotta (2012), JCAP01(2012)015, e-print archive: 1107.1715doi

46) Dark Matter Searches: The Nightmare Scenario
G. Bertone, D. Cumberbatch, R. Ruiz de Austri and R. Trotta (2012), JCAP01(2012)004, e-print archive: 1107.5813doi

45) Improved constraints on cosmological parameters from SNIa data
M.C. March, R. Trotta, P. Berkes, G.D. Starkman and P.M. Vaudrevange (2011), MNRAS 418(4):2308-2329, 2011 , e-print archive: 1102.3237doi

44) Quantifying the tension between the Higgs mass and (g-2)_mu in the CMSSM
M.E. Cabrera, J.A. Casas, R. Ruiz de Austri and R. Trotta (2011), Phys. Rev. D84:015006, 2011, e-print archive: 1011.5935doi

43) Challenges of Profile Likelihood Evaluation in Multi-Dimensional SUSY scans
F. Feroz, K. Cranmer, M. Hobson, R. Ruiz de Austri and R. Trotta (2011), JHEP 1106:042(2011), e-print archive: 1101.3296

42) Complementarity of Dark Matter Direct Detection Targets
M. Pato, L. Baudis, G., R. Ruiz de Austri, L.E. Strigari and R. Trotta (2011), Phys. Rev. D83:083505, 2011, e-print arxive: 1012.3458doi

41) Robustness to systematics for future dark energy probes
M.C. March, R. Trotta, L. Amendola and D. Huterer (2011), MNRAS, 415(1):143-152 Jul 2011, e-print arxive: 1101.1521doi

40) Hunting Down the Best Model of Inflation with Bayesian Evidence
J. Martin, C. Ringeval and R. Trotta (2011), Phys. Rev. D83, 063524 (2011), e-print archive: 1009.4157doi

39) Applications of Bayesian model averaging to the curvature and size of the Universe
M. Vardanyan, R. Trotta and J. Silk (2011), MNRASLett 413, 1, 2011, L91–L95, e-print archive: 1101.5476doi

38) A Coverage Study of the CMSSM Based on ATLAS Sensitivity Using Fast Neural Networks Techniques
M. Bridges, K. Cranmer, F. Feroz, M. Hobson, R. Ruiz de Austri  and R. Trotta (2011), JHEP, JHEP03(2011)012, e-print archive: 1011.4306

37) Designing Decisive Detections
R. Trotta, M. Kunz and A.R. Liddle (2010), MNRAS  414, 3, 2011, 2337–2344, e-print arxive: 1012.3195doi

36) Global fits of the Minimal Universal Extra Dimensions scenario
G. Bertone, K.C. Kong, R. Ruiz de Austri and R. Trotta (2011), Phys.Rev.D83:036008, e-print archive: 1010.2023doi

35) Should we doubt the cosmological constant?
M.C. March, G.D. Starkman, R. Trotta and P.M. Vaudrevange (2011), MNRAS 410, 4, 2488-2496, e-print archive: 1005.3655doi

34) Constraints on cosmic-ray propagation models from a global Bayesian analysis
R. Trotta, G. Johannesson, I. V. Moskalenko, T. A. Porter, R. Ruiz de Austri and A. W. Strong (2011), ApJ, 729, 106, e-print archive: 1011.0037doi

33) Global fits of the Non-Universal Higgs Model
L. Roszkowski, R. Ruiz de Austri, R. Trotta, Y.-L. S. Tsai and T. A. Varley (2011), Phys. Rev. D 83, 015014, e-print archive: 0903.1279doi

32) Efficient reconstruction of CMSSM parameters using LHC data – A Case Study
L. Roszkowski, R. Ruiz de Austri and R. Trotta (2010), Phys. Rev. D82, 055003, e-print archive: 0907.0594doi

31) Identification of Dark Matter particles with LHC and direct detection data
G. Bertone, D.G. Cerdeno, M. Fornasa, R. Ruiz de Austri and R. Trotta (2010), Phys. Rev. D 82(5):, e-print archive: 1005.4280doi

30) The Virtues of Frugality – Why cosmological observers should release their data slowly
G.D. Starkman, R. Trotta and P.M. Vaudrevange (2010), MNRAS Lett 401, 1, L15-L18, e-print archive: 0909.2649doi

29) Reconstructing WIMP Properties in Direct Detection Experiments Including Galactic Dark Matter Distribution Uncertainties
L. E. Strigari and R. Trotta (2009), JCAP11(2009)019, e-print archive: 0906.5361doi

28) Prospects for dark matter detection with IceCube in the context of the CMSSM
R. Trotta, R. Ruiz de Austri and C. Pérez de los Heros (2009), JCAP08(2009)034, e-print archive: 0906.0366doi

27) Indirect Dark Matter Detection from Dwarf Satellites: Joint Expectations from Astrophysics and Supersymmetry
G.D. Martinez, J.S. Bullock, M. Kaplinghat, L.E. Strigari and R. Trotta (2009), JCAP 0906 (2009) 014, e-print archive: 0902.4715doi

26) How flat can you get? A model comparison perspective on the curvature of the Universe
M. Vardanyan, R. Trotta and J. Silk (2009), Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 397 , 431-444 (2009), e-print archive: 0901.3354doi

25) On prospects for dark matter indirect detection in the Constrained MSSM
L. Roszkowski, R. Ruiz de Austri, J. Silk and R. Trotta (2009), Phys. Lett. B, 671:10-14 (2009), e-print archive: 0707.0622

24) The impact of priors and observables on parameter inferences in the Constrained MSSM
R. Trotta, F. Feroz, M.P. Hobson, L. Roszkowski and R. Ruiz de Austri (2008), JHEP 12 (2008) 024, e-print archive: 0809.3792jhep version

23) Bayesian Selection of sign(mu) within mSUGRA in Global Fits Including WMAP5 Results
F. Feroz, B.C. Allanach, M.P. Hobson, S.S. AbdusSalam, R. Trotta and A.M. Weber (2008), JHEP 10 (2008) 064, e-print archive:  0807.4512jhep version

22) Bayes in the sky: Bayesian inference and model selection in cosmology
R. Trotta (2008), Invited review, Contemporary Physics, 49, No. 2, March-April 2008, 71-104,  e-print archive: 0803.4089doi

21) Monolithic or hierarchical star formation? A new statistical analysis
M. Kampakoglu, R. Trotta and J. Silk (2008), Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc., 384, 4, 1414-1426 (2008), e-print archive: 0709.1104doi

20) Flat Tree-level Inflationary Potentials in Light of CMB and LSS Data
G. Ballesteros, J. A. Casas, J. R. Espinosa, R. Ruiz de Austri and R. Trotta (2008), JCAP, 0803:018, 2008, e-print archive:  0711.3436doi

19) Bayesian calibrated significance levels applied to the spectral tilt and hemispherical asymmetry
C. Gordon and R. Trotta (2007), Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc., 382, 4, 1859-1863 (2007), e-print archive:  0706.3014doi

18) Implications for the Constrained MSSM from a new prediction for b to s gamma
L. Roszkowski, R. Ruiz de Austri and R. Trotta (2007), JHEP 07 (2007) 075, e-print archive:  0705.2012jhep version
Nature feature covering some of the results (valid subscription required)

17) On the detectability of the CMSSM light Higgs boson at the Tevatron
L. Roszkowski, R. Ruiz de Austri and R. Trotta (2007), JHEP 04 (2007) 084, e-print archive:  hep-ph/0611173jhep version

16) Forecasting the Bayes factor of a future observation
R. Trotta (2007), Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc., 378, 819-824 (2007), e-print archive:  astro-ph/0703063doi

15) Applications of Bayesian model selection to cosmological parameters
R. Trotta (2007), Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc., 378, 72-82 (2007), e-print archive: astro-ph/0504022doi

14) Reconstructing the history of dark energy using maximum entropy
C. Zunckel and R. Trotta (2007), Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc., 378, 865-876 (2007), e-print archive:  astro-ph/0702695doi

13) The isocurvature fraction after WMAP 3-years data
R. Trotta (2006), Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 375, L26-L30 (2007), e-print archive:  astro-ph/0608116doi

12) Why anthropic reasoning cannot predict Lambda
G.D. Starkman and R. Trotta (2006), Phys. Rev. Lett. 97, 201301 (2006), e-print archive:  astro-ph/0607227doi

11) Measuring the effective complexity of cosmological models
M. Kunz, R. Trotta and D.R. Parkinson (2006), Phys. Rev. D 74, 023503 (2006), e-print archive:  astro-ph/0602378doi

10) A Markov Chain Monte Carlo analysis of the CMSSM
R. Ruiz de Austri, R. Trotta and L. Roszkowski (2006), JHEP 05 (2006) 002, e-print archive:  hep-ph/0602028jhep version

9) Indication for Primordial Anisotropies in the Neutrino Background from WMAP and SDSS
R. Trotta and A. Melchiorri (2005), Phys. Rev. Lett., 95, 011305 (2005) , e-print archive: astro-ph/0412066,, doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.95.011305

8) Constraints on a mixed inflaton and curvaton scenario for the generation of the curvature perturbation
G. Lazarides, R. Ruiz de Austri and R. Trotta, Phys. Rev. D70 123527 (2004), e-print archive:  hep-ph/0409335doi

7) Measuring alpha in the early Universe: cosmic microwave background polarization, re-ionization and the Fisher matrix analysis
G. Rocha, R. Trotta, C.J.A.P. Martins, A. Melchiorri, P.P. Avelino, R. Bean and P.T.P Viana (2004), Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc., 352, 1 (2004) 20-38, e-print archive:  astro-ph/0309211doi

6) Observing the helium abundance with CMB
R. Trotta and S.H. Hansen, Phys. Rev. D69 023509 (2004), e-print archive:  astro-ph/0306588doi

5) WMAP Constraints on varying alpha and the Promise of Reionization
C.J.A.P. Martins, A. Melchiorri, G. Rocha, R. Trotta, P.P. Avelino, P.T.P. Viana (2003), Phys.Lett. B585 (2004) 29-34, e-print archive: astro-ph/0302295doi

4) The cosmological constant and general isocurvature initial conditions
R. Trotta, A. Riazuelo, R. Durrer (2003), Phys. Rev. D67, 063520 (2003), e-print archive: astro-ph/0211600doi

3) Measuring alpha in the Early Universe I: CMB Temperature, Large-Scale Structure and Fisher Matrix Analysis
C.J.A.P. Martins, A. Melchiorri, R. Trotta, R. Bean, G. Rocha, P.P. Avelino, P.T.P. Viana (2002)
Phys. Rev., D66, 023505 (2002), e-print archive: astro-ph/0203149doi

2) The Impact of an Extra Background of Relativistic Particles on the Cosmological Parameters derived from Microwave Background Anisotropies
R. Bowen, S.H. Hansen, A. Melchiorri, J. Silk and R. Trotta (2002), Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc., 334, 4 (2002) 760, e-print archive: astro-ph/0110636

1) Reproducing Cosmic Microwave Background anisotropies with mixed isocurvature perturbations
R. Trotta, A. Riazuelo, R. Durrer (2001), Phys. Rev. Lett. 87 , 231301, (2001), e-print archive: astro-ph/0104017doi

Conference Proceedings

14) The efficiency if next-generation Gibbs-type samplers: an illustration using a hierarchical model in cosmology
X. Jiao, D.A. van Dyk, R. Trotta, and H. Shariff (2016),  in New Developments in Statistical Modeling, Inference and Application. Selected papers from the 2014 ICSA/KISS Joint Applied Statistics Symposium in Portland, OR, Z. Jin, M. Liu & X. Luo (Eds), ICSA Books Series in Statistics, Springer (2016).

13) Cosmological Bayesian Model Selection: Recent Advances and Open Challenges (with discussion)
R. Trotta (2011), To appear in: Statistical Challenges in Modern Astronomy V, E.D. Feigelson and G.J. Babu (Eds), Springer-Verlag.

12) Recent advances in Bayesian inference in cosmology and astroparticle physics thanks to the Multinest Algorithm
R. Trotta, F. Feroz, M.P. Hobson and R. Ruiz de Austri (2011), To appear in Proceedings of the 58th ISI World Statistics Congress, Dublin, Aug 2011.

11) Statistical Challenges of Global SUSY Fits
R. Trotta and K. Cranmer (2011), To appear in Proceedings of PHYSTAT11, held at CERN, Jan 2011, e-print archive: 1105.5244

10) Probing dark energy with future surveys
R. Trotta (2009), In: Proceedings of the conference Cosmology, Galaxy Formation and Astroparticle Physics on the Pathway to the SKA,  Klöckner, H.R., Rawlings, S., Jarvis, M., and Taylor, A. (Eds), 77-81, ASTRON (2009), e-print archive: astro-ph/0607496

9) A Bayesian approach to the constrained MSSM
L. Roszkowski, R. Ruiz de Austri and R. Trotta (2008). In: Proceedings of the PHYSTAT LHC Workshop on Statistical Issues for LHC Physics, Prosper, H.B., Lyons, L. and De Roeck, L. (Eds), 163-166, CERN.

8) Direct dark matter detection around the corner? Prospects in the Constrained MSSM
R. Trotta, R. Ruiz de Austri and L. Roszkowski (2007), Journal of Physics: Conference Series 60 (2007) 259–263. Proceedings of the TeV Particle Astrophysics II Workshop, Madison (Wisconsin), Aug 2006. doi

7) Prospects for direct dark matter searches in the Constrained MSSM
R. Trotta, R. Ruiz de Austri and L. Roszkowski (2006), Proceedings of the Sixth International Workshop on the identification of dark matter, pp 81-86. Rhodes (Greece), 11-16 Sept 2006, M Axenides, G. Fanourakis and J. Vergados (Eds), World Scientific.

6) What’s the trouble with anthropic reasoning?
R. Trotta and G.D. Starkman (2006), AIP Conference Proceedings, Volume 878, pp. 323-329. 2nd International Conference on The Dark Side of the Universe DSU 2006, Madrid (Spain), 20-24 June 2006. Carlos Munoz and Gustavo Yepes (Eds), e-print archive: astro-ph/0610330doi

5) Prospects for direct dark matter detection in the Constrained MSSM
R. Trotta, R. Ruiz de Austri and L. Roszkowski (2006), In New Astron. Rev. 51 (2007) 316-320, Proceedings of the Francesco Melchiorri Memorial conference, Rome, April 2006, e-print archive: astro-ph/0609126doi

4) Cosmological Bayesian model selection
R. Trotta (2006), In Statistical Problems in Particle Physics, Astrophysics and Cosmology. Proceedings of Phystat05, Oxford, Sept 2005 (L. Lyons and M.Unel, Eds), 15-19, Imperial College Press (2006)

3) Testing the paradigm of adiabaticity
R. Trotta and R. Durrer (2004), In Proceedings of the MG10 Meeting held at Brazilian Center for Research in Physics (CBPF) Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 20 – 26 July 2003. (M. Novello and S. Perez Bergliaffa, Eds). World Scientific (2006), e-print archive:astro-ph/0402032doi

2) New constraints on varying alpha
G. Rocha, R. Trotta, C.J.A.P. Martins, A. Melchiorri, P.P. Avelino, P.T.P. Viana (2003), In New Astron.Rev. 47 (2003) 863-869, Proceedings of the 2nd CMBNET Meeting, 20-21 February 2003, Oxford, e-print archive: astro-ph/0309205doi

1) The cosmological constant and the paradigm of adiabaticity
R. Trotta (2003), In New Astron.Rev. 47 (2003) 769-774, Proceedings of the 2nd CMBNET Meeting, 20-21 February 2003, Oxford, e-print archive: astro-ph/0304525doi

Chapters in books

3) Improved cosmological constraints from a Bayesian hierarchical model of supernova type Ia data
M.C. March, R. Trotta, P. Berkes, G.D. Starkman and P.M. Vaudrevange (2012), To appear in Astrostatistical Challenges for the New Astronomy, J.M. Hilbe (Ed), Springer Series on Astrostatistics

2) Recent advances in Bayesian inference in cosmology and astroparticle physics thanks to the Multinest Algorithm
R. Trotta, F. Feroz, M. Hobson, and R. Ruiz de Austri (2012), To appear in Astrostatistical Challenges for the New Astronomy, J.M. Hilbe (Ed), Springer Series on Astrostatistics

1) Bayesian Experimental Design and Model Selection Forecasting
R. Trotta, M. Kunz, P. Mukherjee and D.R. Parkinson (2010), In Bayesian Methods in Cosmology, M. Hobson, A. Jaffe, A. Liddle, P. Mukherjee and D. R. Parkinson (Eds), Cambridge University Press (2010) Buy it here.


  • Bayesian Method in Cosmology. Lecture notes for the 44th Saas Fee Advanced Course on Astronomy and Astrophysics, “Cosmology with wide-field surveys” (March 2014), to be published by Springer. Comments welcome, e-print archive: 1701.01467
  • Euclid Definition Study Report
    R. Laureijs et al (2011), report number ESA/SRE(2011)12, e-print archive: 1110.3193
  • Are BR(b->s gamma) and (g-2)_muon consistent within the Constrained MSSM?
    F. Feroz, M.P. Hobson, L. Roszkowski, R. Ruiz de Austri and R. Trotta (2009), e-print archive: 0903.2487
  • Comment on “Bayesian evidence: can we beat MultiNest using traditional MCMC methods”, by Rutger van Haasteren (arXiv:0911.2150), F. Feroz, M.P. Hobson  and R. Trotta, e-print archive: 1001.0719
  • Introducing doubt in Bayesian model comparison
    G.D. Starkman, R. Trotta and P.M. Vaudrevange (2008), e-print archive: 0811.2415
  • Comment on “Tainted evidence: cosmological model selection versus fitting”, by Eric V. Linder and Ramon Miquel (astro-ph/0702542v2), A.R. Liddle, P.S. Corasaniti, M. Kunz, P. Mukherjee, D.R. Parkinson and R. Trotta (2007), e-print archive: astro-ph/0703285
  • Surveying the dark side
    R. Trotta and R. Bower (2006), Astronomy and Geophysics, 47, 4:20-4:27 (2006), e-print archive: astro-ph/0607066
  • Cosmic microwave background anisotropies: Beyond standard parameters
    R. Trotta (2004), PhD thesis at the University of Geneva, June 2004, e-print archive: astro-ph/0410115