Pigs beat dark energy 20:1
My friends at Catsnake tell me that their latest awesome video, about compassionate farming and the plight of pigs, got 4M views in a week. The awesome video we made together about dark energy got about 200,000 views, which seemed a lot at the time (and enough to win it the Berlin Viral Video Award). […]
“I didn’t know science could be so tasty!” @GSC1

The weather was predictably dismal in Glasgow on that bank holiday weekend. The calendar said that it was last weekend of May, but the temperature felt more like February. I didn’t mind — the bad weather suited my goals just fine. I had travelled up to Scotland to set up my Cosmic Fun Club […]
exp(Outreach!*Enthusiasm^n) = #IAS2014

I’ve been preparing for it tirelessly. I have chatted with previous participants, and asked them for tips about how to keep going all the way to the end. I have reviewed my past experiences, and in moments of doubt asked myself why I have entered this in the first place. I have stocked up in […]
Is Alice really burning?
Imperial Physics had the somewhat unexpected pleasure to welcome Caltech theoretical physicist Sean Carroll (of preposterousuniverse.com fame) and science writer Jennifer Ouellette (whom the Twitterati might know under her Twitter name-de-plume of @JenLucPiquant), who were in London after participating to the Cheltenham Science Festival. They joined forces and gave an inspirational public talk entitled “Alice is burning”. […]